Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Brittany Swanson & Jake Downing were married August 1. Theirs was the first wedding my boys attended as conscious thinkers. It was pretty fun watching them interact with distant relatives. It was hilarious to watch Cole hiding Hershey's kisses in his grandpa's pocket and Liam dancing. Oh, to be a kid.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wonderful Winter

This winter was absolutely fabulous for our kids. The plows leave big snowbanks at the end of our driveway, so sledding was close. They played outside a ton since it wasn't so cold. Sadie loved it, as usual, and we had many days with hoar frost and snow-covered trees. I had many more pictures that I could've used on this page, but I think it turned out pretty well.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What do'd?

Cole doesn't say this anymore, but it was just so cute when he did. This is his summary page for June 2009.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


This was again my oldest unfinished page. It was a quick trip on our way to the Grand Canyon way back last April. I need to hurry or I'll be more than a year behind!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Really Home

I forgot to post this one yesterday after I finished. (I think the fumes from all the cleaning products are getting to me.) This will be the final page in our Alaska scrapbook, assuming I ever find it again after moving!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Very scary indeed

The boys had a very hard time picking their costumes last year. In fact, I think we might have gotten down to mid-October before the decision. Liam was a skeleton (painted on sweats and missing ankle bones, as he later pointed out). Cole was an alien. They both had a great time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Home from Alaska

This page is long overdue, but was pretty easy. The prettiest two pictures on the page, in my opinion, are the mountains in Banff National Park at top right and the sunset at lower right. That sunset was taken from the parking lot of Wal-Mart in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where we stayed for the night.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big Bend

Seriously, I get in the mood to scrapbook as I'm packing everything away? We visited Big Bend National Park last April. It was pretty in a dry, parched sort of way. The Rio Grande was not grand, but it was interesting looking across at the cliffs and realizing it was a different country. The turkey vultures were also pretty cool, although Jeff found the packs of them perched on fence posts a bit disconcerting.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Title Page

My scrapbooks are all packed away, so now is not a logical time to finish pages. Cole's first childhood album is not finished, many months away, in fact, but now it will have a title page.